Ein Kühltransporter fährt au der Straße, Heckansicht. Button: Mit 3 Klicks zum neuen Fahrzeug

Kiesling configurator - the fastest way to a refrigerated vehicle!

The new Kiesling configurator is online!
In just a few clicks, you can now create your own offer for a new refrigerated van with the desired equipment based on

  • Mercedes-Benz Sprinter
  • Iveco Daily
  • Fiat Ducato
  • Renault Master

Whether it's a refrigeration unit, load securing or a rear-view camera, you can also select the most common equipment requirements in the configurator.

Do you like the fastest way to your new refrigerated vehicle?
For further equipment please contact our sales team directly.
If you have any questions about refrigerated transport, we are happy to help you - just contact us!




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