Refrigerated Trucks

We offer the highest quality refrigerated bodies for all temperature ranges and for transportation in several different temperature ranges. Kiesling bodies are designed for maximum durability and are suitable for electric and diesel vehicles.

  • Innenansicht Kühlfahrzeug mit hochgeklappter Trennwand

    Refrigerated Trucks

    Kiesling refrigerated bodies are perfectly suited for the transport of Euro pallets, roll containers and other load carriers. The Fully Integrated Panel (FIP) technology guarantees the highest stability and strength of the bodies

  • Kühlfahrzeug ohne Hecktüren in der Heckansicht

    Refrigerated vehicles with several temperature zones

    Our flexible refrigerated vehicles offer the optimal conditions for transportation in multiple temperature ranges. This means you can safely transport different goods at different transport temperatures to their destination.

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Zertifizierter Aufbauhersteller für LKW

Kiesling Kühlfahrzeuge ist zertifizierter Partner der Fahrgestellhersteller: Daimler Truck, MAN, IVECO Premium Partner, Partner von DAF, Volvo und Scania.

Features & Added Value

Ausstattung Optional


Unsere Kiesling Kühlaufbauten sind selbstverständlich auch für Elektrofahrzeuge verfügbar. Wichtig ist, dass das Fahrgestell über eine Hochvolt-Schnittstelle (ePTO) verfügt, um die Kühlmaschine anzuschließen. Wir beraten Sie gerne zu Elektrofahrzeugen und klären mit Ihnen gemeinsam die Fahrgestellausstattung.

Bodenausschnitt Aluminium Gerstenkorn

Equipment series

Liquid-tight aluminum floor pan

The floor and side skirting boards are fully welded all around. The liquid-tight floor pan is easy to clean with a high-pressure cleaner and is therefore longlasting hygienic (HACCP-compliant).

Equipment series

Integrated skirting boards

The integrated skirting boards increase the stability of the side walls and cannot be torn out even under the toughest conditions. This prevents damage to the walls and increases the longevity of the entire structure.

Equipment series

Easy Lock door retainer

The patented door retainer holds rear doors securely magnetically during opening. Easy one-handed operation and absolutely wear-free.

Spezieller Rammpuffer Roll Bumper am Fahrzeugheck eines Kühlfahrzeuges angebracht.

Equipment series

Roll Bumper with stainless steel roll

The Roll Bumper developed by Kiesling is a stable and effective impact protection that works progressively in three stages. Kiesling refrigerated bodies (6 meters or more in length) are equipped with the Roll Bumper as standard.
The Roll Bumper can be retrofitted to other bodies at any time and replace conventional impact buffers.

More information

Equipment series

Acceptance according to Sweden test

Kiesling reefer bodies have an end wall acceptance test according to the so-called Sweden test. This involves a pendulum with a weight of one tonne colliding with the bulkhead. The bulkhead must be able to withstand the impact. This test serves to protect the driver in the event of a rear-end collision. With the approval, market access for Scandinavia is also possible for used vehicles.

Equipment optional

Fully integrated anchor rails

Our unique, fully embedded anchor rails are absolutely tear-proof. They are fully integrated in the side wall and thus increase the usable internal width. This means that even overpacked pallets can be transported.

Sperrstange in einer versenkten Lochschiene in der Decke angebracht.

Equipment optional

Perforated rails countersunk in the roof

Our fully countersunk perforated rails have a dual function. They serve as a guide rail for our flexible partition wall systems Cool Slide & Cool Flap and can be used to secure loads.

Rad  eines Rollcontainers auf dem Boden eines Kühlfahrzeuges mit Lochschienen für Ladungssicherung

Equipment Optional

Perforated rails countersunk in the floor

Fully countersunk perforated floor rails provide form-fitting load securing. The even floor let roll containers be driven over without any problems.

Am Heck eines Kühlfahrzeuges sind keine Hecktüren sondern eine Kühltrennwand mit Ladebordwand angebracht.

Equipment optional

ATP without rear doors

A tail lift can also function as a central locking system, instead of rear doors. The Cool Slide partition wall can be used for insulation, even with ATP-certification.

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